The end of you, the beginning of new

It’s hard man. It gets so hard. Sometimes you feel so overwhelmed by the battle and the tiredness you simple feel your brain and body are apart from one another & you exist as a separate being. 

A strange parent-outofit-survivor-spacethingymajig.

The hard days are strong in endurance racing. You run a triathlon. But there’s no finish line rejoice yet because you now have to do dishes and then wash yourself, lock up the house, make sure the cats been out to urinate, check kids, windows, nappies, blankets , dogs happy, hubbies happy , you happy. You then take your meds your vitamins whatever helps you be super mom for tomorrow. You double check you closed garage and now you can put alarm on. Oh, the bed calls you. 

The triathlons not over. Your finish line is near. 

Brush teeth , Jajoba oil your face& neck…. Oh how sweetly crips your sheets feel. You now on seeing the finish line ribbon…. 

Oh wait! What’s this ? The finish line has been run through by someone else … Your spouse. Dammit! They finished first. 

Well beloved women, mom, wife, lady, tomorrow you have another race. It’s game on! 

The hard brings out the worst in you. The very inner worst. 

But and yes, here’s the BUT.

The hard also brings out – if you allow it – the ‘turn around’ moments. I call it that because you get to such a difficult point. You can either give up and go crazy, shout, loose it or whatever we find ourselves doing or we can ‘ turn around’. 
Turning around is so friggin hard guys. It takes your very soul and crushes it. Man it’s not easy. But the advice I can give you in that the more you do it, the easier it gets.

I fail at it. A lot. But I try everyday. And each time I have victory in Turning Around I feel that ugly weight fall off my shoulders. I can’t explain it. It’s almost like that guilt or tiredness becomes less.
Turn yourself around. In those hard times think of me, look at yourself. And turn around. Turn the other way. You’ll notice your kids turn around too and so does your spouse. 
Good luck xx let me know how it goes.

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